Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My mom is BIGGER than that!

With three weeks left in my pregnancy I have to say that I feel pretty large! However I haven't felt larger than I did last night. My almost three year old, Maleah was sitting on her aunt Sidney's lap while we all enjoyed an episode of The Biggest Loser. Suddenly she turned from the t.v, looked her aunt in the eye and proudly said," My mom is bigger than that!"


Karla said...

Brent asked me last night when you were due and commented that we could all be at the hospital together. I am on bed rest for the next 3 weeks praying to make it to the 31st for NICU free babies that can room with and go home with me.

If it makes you feel better when Katie was a toddler we were in the shower and she looked up at me and said "mommy's a cow, moo"

{Marie Long} said...

That just made my day! Don't let it get you down that is so cute!

Jamie and Lindsey said...

No worries Marie, I actually had a long laugh after she said it. I totally agree with her, it's time to have this baby!

Brooke said...

Oh goodness, they just say the darndest things!

Cindi said...

Jamie, you look great! Three weeks will come and go fast. Hang in there!

Lizette said...

That is too funny! I can't believe it's getting so close!

The Odom Family said...

That made me smile. Gotta love the honesty of kids! Hang in there, it'll be over before you know it and you'll be back to your skinny, beautiful self!

Busy Lady said...

That is too funny!! Children are brutally honest aren't they? I think you look great though. Hang in there a little longer...